Farm to Table

Torre Lupara is a farmstead cheese company located in Caserta Italy producing some of the finest Mozzarella di Bufala. With a history dating back over 125years, Lupara has developed a vertically integrated company, supplying themselves with all the raw materials for their cheese production. Covering 500 acres of land, Lupara grows their own corn and “erba medica” which is used to feed their herd of more than 2,000 Italian water buffalo, from whom they get the milk for their mozzarella. Through maintaining full control over the raw materials and cheese-making process, Lupara has developed a safe and effective way to freeze their product retaining a high-level of quality and consistency.

Buffalo Welfare
Happy buffalo equal more and better-quality milk! Spaces and structures have been made to ensure the animal’s welfare and natural behavior. They are also fed a balanced diet to ensure their physical and psychological health. Their health is continuously monitored thanks to Lupara’s staff veterinarians!

Environmental Protections
Lupara has a staff of agronomists who apply targeted agricultural practices to maintain their farm.

All Lupara’s crops are GMO Free and are analyzed twice a month. Twice a month they also test the buffalo milk production to verify its bacterial count. Every year, 10,000 analyses are performed to check for any possible polluting agents, plus there are 400 health and hygiene checks and 100 checks a year by the Consorzio di Tutela della Mozzarella di Bufala Campania DOP.

Torre Lupara has a staff of agronomists who apply targeted agricultural practices to maintain their farms. Their animal waste is used to fertilize their land and they also purify and recycle their water!

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