Pinsa Romana
Pinsa/ Pala Romana with Aria
Discover the exquisite flavors of Pinsa Romana with our recipe, featuring Caputo's all-wheat Aria flour crust that strikes a perfect balance between crispy and airy.
Pinsa Romana


  • Toppings of your choice


1. Place the Caputo “0” Aria Flour and Caputo Lievito Dry Yeast in the mixer and mix on speed 1 for 1-2 minutes.

2. Combine the first parts of the water and ice and add them to the mixer. Mix on speed 2 for 6 minutes. Then, turn off the mixer and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. 

3. After 30 minutes, turn the mixer on speed 1. Combine the second parts of the water and ice, add them to the mixer, and mix for 5 minutes on speed 2 until well-combined. 

4. Add the salt and mix for 5 minutes on speed 1. 

5. Slowly add the Olitalia Extra Virgin Olive Oil, TuttOlio, or Frienn, and mix for an additional 5 minutes on speed 2 until the dough is smooth and looks like a pumpkin.

6. Take the dough out of the mixer and place it in a large container/proofing bin for 30 minutes. 

7. After 30 minutes, divide and scale your dough balls into your desired size.

8. Place the dough balls in dough trays and cover them. Allow the dough balls to rest for at least 1 hour at room temperature before placing them in the refrigerator for a minimum of 24 hours.

9. Remove the dough balls from the refrigerator at least 3 hours before you intend to use them so they can come to room temperature.

10.  Cover the trays and allow the dough to rise at room temperature until it has doubled in size, at least 4-6 hours. 

11. Once the dough has come to room temperature, stretch your dough, top it, and transfer it to a pala peel.

12. Transfer your pizza from the pala peel to the oven and bake at 575F for 8-10 minutes until golden brown. You can also par bake your pinsa for 4-5 minutes then allow it to cool to room temperature and either freeze them or leave them on a rack until you are ready to use them.

13. Remove your pizza from the oven, slice, serve and enjoy! 


Meet the chef


Chef Domenico "Mimmo" in the Orlando Food Sales office kitchen.
Chef Domenico "Mimmo" in the Orlando Food Sales office kitchen.

Meet the chef



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