1. Defrost at least 1 package of Torre Lupara Bocconcini Buffalo Mozzarella in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
2. Once defrosted, remove the Torre Lupara Bocconcini Buffalo Mozzarella from the package and pat them dry with a paper towel.
3. In a bowl, combine your Caputo Chef’s, Saccorosso, or Gluten-Free flour with the salt and pepper.
4. Coat the bocconcini with the flour and then dip them in the eggs.
5. Following the eggs, coat them in breadcrumbs and place them on a plate. Repeat for each bocconcini: flour, eggs, breadcrumbs.
6. Add the bocconcini to the fryer filled with Olitalia Frienn High Oleic Sunflower Oil and fry them until they are golden brown.
7. Top with shaved pecorino romano and basil.
8. Serve with a side of marinara sauce.
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